About Us

Lockdown- March 2020. We are sitting in lockdown, and looking for a productive way to pass our time. Start growing some vegetables? Sounds like a good idea!
Given that winter was fast approaching we started looking for novel ways to get started growing indoor greens - but quickly found the indoor hydroponic space to be overwhelming! With over 30 years of commercial horticultural experience between us we began to think 'surely it can’t be this hard!'
Stumbling across some blogs and youtube videos, we found a neat way to grow salad greens and herbs in glass mason jars. These were cool - you could grow just about anything in a windowsill that got a decent amount of sun, they required minimal maintenance, and ticked all of the sustainability boxes from a water use and food miles perspective! Problem was however, putting together these jars still wasn’t that simple - components had to be sourced from several different places - and plus, they had to be painted to keep the sun off the roots which just didn't look that great. 
Looking around, we found a supplier who was willing to take the painted glass mason jar and turn it into a contemporary, ceramic lookalike, which had the look and feel to fit nicely into any space. By this point we had worked out the bits and pieces required to really get our growing kits working well and pumping out a regular supply of fresh herbs and produce. Friends and family wanted a piece of the action, and we realized that maybe there might be more people out there keen to grow some fresh indoor greens in the comfort of their own home/ office/garage/campervan... or anything in between!
And just like that - StartGrowing was born! We pulled together the resources to make up some kits ready for sale, learnt how to put together a website, and launched our small business in 2021. We are now several iterations into the 'GrowKit' product and are super proud of what it's become! We hope you’ll like the concept as much as us, and start your growing journey today. 
Click here to start exploring GrowKit options!